The Seaway Senior Citizens Club is a registered charitable organization. A receipt for income tax purposes will be issued for donations of $25.00 or more.
All Donations and Gifts are accepted and gratefully appreciated.
In Memorial gifts may be made to the Active Lifestyle at the local Funeral Homes or directly at the Centre.
Your generous gift qualifies under charitable donations on your Income Tax Form and a receipt will be issued to you.
Volunteering with the Seaway Senior Citizens Club is something people do every day! We welcome volunteers to contribute their talents, skills, time, experience and energy to maintain and enhance what we offer at the Club.
Did you know that seniors volunteer more than any other group in Canada? We value the contribution that our volunteers provide on a daily basis.
Our volunteers devote some of their spare time to helping with the running of the organization. This includes such diverse activities as manning the Reception desk, food preparation, serving, games, ticket sales, clean up, running various programs and activities at the Club and helping out at our bingos. Volunteers are celebrated once a year with an evening of food and fun!
Please contact the Club at 613 932-4969 if you are interested in volunteering.
Our Sponsors

Organizations who support Seaway Seniors